Take the beating

As your enemies get sent to you, show them love and offer them food to stop their hungry, offer them water to put out the coals around their heads.
They to must know what loves feel like.
While you're going through one thing, here comes the other thing that enemy thought would take you out, but yet you're still whole.
You must take the beating the sacrifices to reach your destiny.
I'm here and I given you every weapon you need to take on your rivals.
 No not physical weapons but the one thing no one can take from you. Love, hope and peace.
 No matter where you're are or how far you think I let you get away, I still know you my child.
 I let you wonder in wildness sometimes so that you can find your way back to me.
 So take on this beating and overcome it with everything I built in you.
Speak it, because I asked you to, you might not want to, but it's the path I design for you.
Nothing can stop you, nothing will get in your way because you're removing it out of your way. That's why I picked you, I chosen you to take this beating because I knew you'll see the meaning of it. I knew you'll overcome it and you'll get the words inspire any heart out there that's taking my discipline.


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